RAoT Stats
An Exodus™ production
RAoT, or Roark's Attack on Titan, is an independent, PvP-focused fan game developed by Roark. You can download the game on gamejolt and support the development team on ko-fi. RAoTStats is a personal project operating independently, and has no connection whatsoever to the official development of the game.
Every player in Roark's Attack on Titan is assigned a unique 32-character identifier that cannot be changed (a "UUID"). We use these identifiers to track players who join a server, regardless of what name they currently use, and track their stats.
You can find your own UUID by entering the game's console (hit ~) and typing "MyID". You can find another player's UUID by being in the same lobby and typing "List" into the game cosole.
We can only track stats on servers that we host. Currently, "Pikachu's Pokecenter" and "Raichu's Raotstats" are the only lobbies supporting stat collection.